Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

Just when you think you have a woman in check by divorcing her and writing a book about your life with her. She hits you where it hurts hard. There aint no better saying than this: " Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." That is exactly what Afrikkans singer Steve Hofmeyr got for cheating on his wife publicly then leaving her and to add salt to the wounds he wrote a book detailing his afffairs. Read This: Hofmeyr froths as ex’s book steals the limelight AFRIKAANS rock star Steve Hofmeyr is livid about a tell-all book, written by his soon-to-be ex-wife, in which she spills the beans on their 10-year marriage. On his blog, the rocker said on Tuesday: “Damn, I am under siege from all sides,” and that one sentence from Natasha Sutherland’s book “out of three thousand” has been blown out of proportion. Referring to Hofmeyr’s infidelities, Sutherland wrote in her book: “… this is when the punch in the stomach and the strange lipstick traces on your soulmate’s underpa...