Oprah is also on Twitter now the world will Twitter with her

Okay I think all company by now know that if queen of talk Oprah Winfrey endorses or even so much talks about your invention, the subscriptions will rocket. That is what happened when she found YouTube, Facebook, MySpace and Skype, she is at it again this time though the spotlight is on Twitter.

I hope she punts Gabiville one day. Okay that is a bit ambitious but when it happens dont say I didnt tell yah!


It appears that Oprah Winfrey’s influence isn’t just restricted to books and talk shows, as her much-hyped first twee has given a tremendous boost to the web traffic on Twitter, according to an analyst firm Hitwise.

According to the analyst company, web traffic to the micro blogging website rose substantially by 43 percent as compared to the previous Friday.  

Additionally on 17th April, when Oprah posted her first tweet on the website, around 37 percent of the total visitors to the blogging website were new visitors, and Twitter’s share of total US internet visits increased considerably by 24 percent, the company added. 

In spite of being a new online platform, Twitter’s share in internet visits is growing massively, with the website nearly gets around 32 percent new visitors every day; however, Hitwise also notified that the Facebook only managed to attract 8 percent new users in March. 

The company further claimed that the search term “oprah twitter” was ranked as the 35th most searched term with the word Twitter last week, and considering that the search data is weekly and the show was only aired on Friday, this seems to be an impressive figure.  

TO chat to Oprah via Twitter on her profile CLICK HERE!


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