Obama kids get a suprise visit from the Jonas Brothers...

Now we see the kid sensational band visiting the Obama kids already. Malia, 10, and Sasha Obama, 7, straight after the inauguration of their dad, received a suprise visit from the Jonas brothers
Last year November the two lucky chicks in the world got an invite from Billy Ray Cyrus, the father of Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus and also an actor on the hit Disney Channel show, to take part in an episode of the show possibly around April.
What more is coming for the girls as they also have a chance to be stars in their own right?
OMG, they are not even teens yet and already they are getting invites to popular shows, getting visited by famous bands, they have also had the chance to meet singing sensations such as Alicia Keys, Beyonce, Miriah Carey, Jay-Z, Aretha Franklin and many more stars.
I am slightly jealous of the girl's cause not even I have had a chance to get invites to meet such great people. WHO knows maybe they are the next Hiltons or even the Nicol Richie....
If I were them I would Carpe Diem...
Luck I tell you!