Aretha Franklin Hat has errrybody talking...Me too! And now the world wants to buy it? WTF?

The oh so somehow ridiculous hat of singing Diva and Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin is sending people in a buzz, after she wore a grey over the top ribboned with bling hat to the Obama inauguration last week.

That day the queen sang for a moving song at the event, I was surprised how weird I was feeling about the the site of the hat, I couldn't even pay note to her gorgeous timeless voice.
A group on Facebook called Aretha Franklin Hat Club was formed and already has 100 and something fans to the infamous hat.
Talkshow host Ellen DeGeneres mocked the hat by wearing a similar one to her show saying: “That would of been so embarrassing. The next thing you know, we would have been in Us Weekly’s ‘Who Wore it Better? The stores said this is the only one they made! I can’t believe it!”- joked Ellen.
Us Weekly blogger said: “What was up with Aretha Franklin’s hat at the inauguration? While it’s quite Aretha-like, between the shape and the bow and the glitter she reminded me of the ball atop Times Square on New Year’s Eve. Tone it down, honey, this is not your day."
The Huffington Post said: "I love that making a hat for a historic inauguration was no big deal to them. I suppose if it were an ordinary hat it would make sense for them not to think twice about it. But that was one attention-grabbing piece of head wear."
It turns out that the milliner known as Luke Song, who designed the now-famous bow-tied, Swarovski-crystal inaugural hat that Miss Franklin wore for her inauguration performance has run out of fabric.
After getting thousands of e-mails and phone calls from across the world, Song said he "has so many orders he’s exhausted his supply of fabric."
Now his 500 vendors, including several Houston stores, will have to wait at least a month until they get the hat.
“I’d thought I would just get a mention in the local newspaper, but I never imagined this,” said Song, who runs his family business, Mr. Song Millinery, in Detroit. “I knew it was going to be a momentous occasion, but this is mind-boggling.”
Franklin has been a Mr. Song Millinery customer for 20 years, said the designer, a graduate of Parsons the New School for Design.
For last week’s occasion, she wanted a style to frame her face and to match her gray coat and gloves, he added. The hat took two days to create.
A similar style in 20 spring colors and lightweight fabrics will sell for $150-$250.

MY WORD: I got to give it to Miss Franklin, I mean who thought a hat would get so much attention. Hey if you think about it, she will be remembered for in the books of history for being at the inauguration for the 1st black President of USA because of that damn thing...LOL!


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